Toms Tunes

Providing the Green Bay Area with outstanding live singing and entertainment.

Featuring "The Tom's Tunes Singers"

Entertainment Specialists!

Tom also provides DJ and KJ service. Planning and performing at Weddings since 2001. Let Tom provide the music for you on your special day. Over 40,000 DJ songs in his catalog will make the dance floor a must for your treasured guests and you will probably see Tom out there leading them in a "dance routine." Tom makes sure your Wedding dance includes everything you have requested and that you have the time of your life.

Please see the Events Page for our current schedule.

“Making Singing Fun”


Featuring: “The Tom’s Tunes Singers”

Contact us: 920-497-7245

We love to sing.

TomsTunes is now in full swing with reservations and shows throughout the coming months.

Thank you for letting us perform for you. Enjoy the Show! -Tom

Everyone PLEASE stay SAFE!